States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies

You wonder why they wait to speak their minds until after the bill passes both the House and Senate. Just like the Big Banks that took a govn’t handout and later realized they made a big mistake and paid it all back. Yea, go Obama, you dick.

Pretty funny that after all is said and done the healthcare bill that was pushed so hard by democrats will probably end up hurting their states and being far more beneficial to republican states.

see my avatar.

srsly we have so many idiot politicians…they just jump on the liberal bullshit bandwagon and now there realizing they were lied to.

I cant stand this dumb censored president. 2012 cant come soon enough :lol

^ Your avatar is stupid.

I have a “Cadillac” health insurance that will potentially be taxed. What a joke. I am single, and my plans total cost is over $10k a year plus I have a HSA which they also want to tax…

How did these goons fuck this up so badly? All I wanted to do was to extend some kind of minimal basic healthcare to the 40 million uninsured people here. Thanks for nothing.

It is ALWAYS and ALWAYS will be about the $$$.

Think about this for a second. They initially promised coverage for all Americans at a cheaper rate. Now that the bill is finally through, guess what, rates are going up because of taxes and the bill FORCES us to buy insurance.

I saw this coming from a long time ago, along with many other people. Now, finally, more and more dems/libs are catching on to this bullshit. But it will be to late.

your avatar is win:thumbup

+1 99…i’ve been saying the same shit all along…a year of legislation boils down to a bunch of bullshit.:retardclap

Now thats its in…i just hope for the best, hopefully they can make this work and not fuck our economy further. I put a large part of the blame of the recession on bush and his fucking oil. (The other large part being the housing market/mortgage situation of course) It seems like neither side can do anything but hurt us these days. These dumbfucks in office only do harm…making how little bill clinton did look good. We need a president who isn’t influenced by big wigs on wall street or somone who is preoccupied with chasing women:lol:lol

You guys are all from New York, right?

I am going to need to modify my previous views about New York residents, you guys fucking hate these communists as much as people around here (in Arkansas temporarily until I can get back to Texas).

If it gets bad, the red states will probably tell Obama and co. to fuck off. In that situation, there’s plenty of room for you guys down here.

Whoa. MoAr pics!

Ron Paul is a fav. pick of mine. He has a lot of really good views on this shit and speaks up front about everything.

We can do nothing but sit back and see where this all goes at this point. DUMB

Wait they are going to force everyone to get health inssurance?

FUCK THAT!!! I haven’t had it since I was 18 and I don’t want it. I have been to the hospital once in the last 9 years and that was after somebody hit me head on and the officer said the accident was bad enough that i didn’t have a decision if he was giving me a ride home.

I have a whole outlook on how healthcare has lead to the pussification of America and weakened our future generations. I’ll leave this country before I am forced to spend money I don’t have or don’t want to spend on health insurace I won’t use

Start packing your bags!

Auckland, New Zealand here i come

Ill move to canada, universal healthcare, lower taxes, and cuban cigars, how aboot dat ay?

The difference between upstate and downstate is night and day, youd be suprised how many men under the age of 25 cant stand liberals. It actually gives me a bit of hope for the future. Not saying that I exactly approve of what the right wingers are doing either, imo both sides are unfit to lead.

Canada has a lot of ugly girls though.

I can’t be looking at that all day everyday


I like turtles.

Move to Canada, problem solved.