States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies

Canada sucks, I’ll stick to the US even if I have to live in the mountains.

I havent even been to a doctor in atleast 10 years. Ive got no use for health insurance and dont want to be forced to spend money I dont have on it. I dont make enough money to blow on shit like that.
I looked into getting health care at work and its $80 a week. No way can I afford that so I dont have anything.

yea that would definitely tap into your matchbox car budget^ :haha

well yeah, that too I suppose


offbeat > epic > oh hai cp :thumbup

thank you! maybe i wont have to listen to all the “liberals in Ny” bashing on tb anymore! :lol

I hope you guys dont run into poor health, or get hurt from anything other than a car accident.

Your car insurance pays for some of your bills, but god forbid your in an accident and need to be put back together, the bills are out of this world. That $200K in your car insurance can go QUICK.

PJB even of you fell off your quad and broke your arm, your looking at $3-5K to get ER visit, inpatient care, and a cheesy cast. If you need to be reset, or pined or have rods, your looking at $20K +.

My motorcycle accident last fall hit over $83K in bills. Heli ride alone was $18K! Even with my insurance and motorcycle insurance, I have to fork out alot of money.

As much as I hate seeing my money get pissed into something I rarely use, someday you will… unless you live in a hyperbaric bubble and never go outside in public, something will happen.


Anyone who is against universal healthcare is imo pretty selfish.

Ok cool, I’ll quit my job and you can just give me money to sit on my ass and I’ll get health insurance! WIN-WIN!!!


Okay, see the problem with this is you are only thinking about one group of people. What about children with no healthcare? Seniors? What your saying is, if someone in your family could not afford healthcare, got into an accident or had some sort of disease, you’d really feel okay about them not receiving proper healthcare? It’s not ALL about the money involved, it’s more about being moral.

No it is not and your response it typical of that of the uneducated on the matter.

Here is why:

One of our major clients is a rent-to-own corporation. The people that shop at these places pay 6 times the value of an item because they have no financial sense, or credit in most cases. These people are the majority fighting for universal healthcare. They are on fixed incomes spending more money than they have, on shit the DONT NEED. Then they complain they cant afford health insurance.

Take away the $300/month you spend for your rentway living room, big screen TV, and XBOX. Take away the $150/month Unlimited Data plan that you DONT NEED for your cell phone, and put it towards what matters. Your HEALTH.

I hold no sympathy for those who don’t have insurance, what-ever the reason. I hate that I will have to pay out of my pocket so some invalid POS scumbag who doesent work can keep his 54 inch rentacenter TV.

To those who don’t think you need it. Trust me, it is the best investment you can make in your life. ONE accident will put you into enough debt to buy a house. If you are ok with that, fine. But don’t complain when it happens.

Children shouldnt be brought into this world if they can’t be provided for. If they are, sorry, life isn’t fair. Same thing for seniors. They had their entire life to get setup and chose not to. No sympathy.

Our healthcare is some of the best in the world. That is why we pay more. People come from other countries to have major surgery here. Why do you think that is? Because EVERY other country has universal healthcare and it SUCKS.

paying 20 bucks everyother week and get great health benifits= teh win

Hah wow, you might be one of the most selfish people i’ve met ever. You seem to be only looking out for yourself in this world, while I care about the people around me. If taking some extra money out of my paycheck can keep people in this country, so be it. I guess i’m just a bit more generous than you.

Also have you ever heard a country called Sweden. You might want to check out what going on over there.

They’re making chocolate and beautiful women?

Haha that and they have one the best healthcare systems in the world and it is also universal.

No I am not selfish, I give help to those who deserve it. Those deserving meaning they contribute to society and have gone out of there way to help others. That eliminates 98% of the retards looking for handouts. But should they expect the help? No. They should be grateful they receive it, not demanding it and bashing those who are capable of helping them when they decide to keep the money they worked there ass’s off for.

Make it a rule that everyone who wants Universal HealthCare makes health a priority and cuts back on unnecessary spending, and then still can’t afford it, and I am all for it. But 98% of people who want it, don’t deserve it.

Okay, Where are your statistics coming from? Please back that up with a study and I’ll believe you. You are making in opinion on certain cases while ignoring the other side. Sure there are people who are there only to take goverment handouts, but this countries economy has gone to shit and a majority of the people living here can not afford basic healthcare. We’re going backwards instead of forwards, we’re getting to the point where people can’t get the proper healthcare because of insurance and money issues and die because of it. Freeloaders are not the only group of people in this country. There are plenty of hardworking people, doing their jobs in society yet still can’t get healthcare, and that bothers me.

The thing is you have to find data that isnt biased or skewed. Good luck.

If the majority of people can not afford healthcare, than how the hell can the minority of people with healthcare afford to give everyone else healthcare coverage? The US states are complaining because they can’t afford it. The money they have comes from us. You want higher taxes? Not me.

actually, canada has a lot of hotties, especially in quebec and around toronto.

and canada pretty much is awesome, except for the winters. better beer, cleaner cities, nicer people, poutine, not a target for terrorist, no wasteful spending.