States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies

How are people dying because of lack of insurance? If you are sick or injured hospitals are FORCED to care for you insurance or not?

+1 million.

If there is one thing I cant stand in my life it is a fucking leach. Simple fucking checks and balances are all we need to fix this shit.

You cant get a job and sit on unemployment, yet can put 20’s on your car and buy an iPhone? No unemployment for you.

I see you need welfare and some free pampers and formula, yet you just stepped out of an Caddy with ground pounding bass and it seems your either fat or prego again. No Welfare for you.

I see you got shot and need a visit to the ER, but you have no insurance and a crack needle just fell out of your pocket. No healthcare for you.

You want to buy a new xBox360 and this 55" plasma, but your little kid looks like he rolled around in the sand box and is missing a shoe? No rentacenter for you.

It isnt heartless, its life. Shape up, or ship out. I will give the government the benefit of the doubt, back when these hand outs were created, I am sure it was intended to help the people on hard times. LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY.

Sure, but then the person is sent into how much debt? Still without healthcare. I feel like this country is designed to put us into debt.

Who’s fault is it that they are in debt?!

Not mine, not yours. THEIRS. Why should I have to pay for their mistakes, or yours? I shouldn’t and wont.

I am all about self preservation. If I can do it, YOU can do it. Life isn’t fair, is it sad when the cute little kitten gets run over by a car? Yes. But that is life. It isn’t fair, never will be. That is why it’s important to look out for yourself and worry about self preservation. If you fail to do that, or realize that, you are going to succumb to the Theory of Darwin.

I just can’t find the sympathy.

The hard working people that fall on hard times and cant pull it off are probably sharing the same feelings towards the free loaders as 99 and I.

I agree that the people that need it cant get it and that sucks, alot. Those are the people that keep me from going postal when i see my money go into the gov hands.

Look at it this way. a bomb just went off in your home city. 1000 people are in need of healthcare immediately or will die. 500 of these people are unemployed, homeless, some are drug dealers, gang members, illegal immigrants… nothing good for this world and are not assets to the community. The other 500 are mostly middle class, hard working employees, kids trying hard in school, business owners, rich sob’s… people striving to succeed and are assets to the community.

Now The first 500 I mentioned all don’t have to pay out of pocket for the healthcare and are patched up for free. The second group lets split in half, some can and have insurance the others don’t.

500 people will live but continue the downward spiral of the community, 250 will die and are in the “I am sorry but that’s how it is” group, and 250 will live and struggle more to keep the community a float when they are released from the hospital.

Oh, and this is pretty important too.

I HOPE that none of you think the govn’t or Failbama are doing this for the people? They could give a SHIT about the people. They are looking at the $$$. Do you know how much insurance companies are going to make when the law takes effect? A ton. Everyone will be forced to buy it. That is a huge amount of money.

The best part. People who already have insurance, are going to have to pay MORE because of taxes on their policies. And guess how the people who can’t afford are going to get it? Federal subsidies. Thats right. YOUR tax dollars for insurance that cost’s more than it does now.

this country is designed to put us in debt. consumerism is top priority, and the establishment of credit was issued to further make the working class stay slaves.

They also aren’t 70% degenerate retards.

fuck paying for other people to live here PERIOD. You can’t make it, die or get out, I don’t give a shit either way.

Don’t be trying to dip into what I’ve earned.

Oh and politicians can all suck a dick.

gleaming ray of sunshine, this one is.

^ Where’s the line for BJs? :lol

lol i don’t care if your busting balls or not. that’s shits funny! :rofl :rofl +rep

all the handouts is the reason this country is going to fail.

“Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows us that as a government grows, liberty decreases.”
— Thomas Jefferson

and yes some other countries have somewhat successful universal healthcare systems but they also have free education and SMALL governments… ours is not and will be the downfall of our society.

ron paul 2012…


yo rita…you are truly a complete idiot IMO. Every time I see you post on any thread I cant disagree with you more and you never cease to amaze me.

its one thing to have strong beliefs…but your just an idiot when you follow them blindly with no comprehension of whats actually going on. For example, im a pretty die hard conservative but I dont have much of anything good to say about bush. Likewise there are liberals on here that are no longer fans of obama.

IMO I agree with wayne 110%…the biggest downfall of this country is people not working hard…but with all these sobbing liberals around,there seems to be no limit on how much money will be taken out of my pocket to make up for someone else’s dumb mistake.

If you think long and hard you will see many thing contriubte to this mess we are in. Look at the younger generation of workers. Schools, culture and technology shows young impresionable minds that they can do less to get away with more. Schools teach work smarter not harder. Cluture tells parents that they cant smack a kid up side the head for fucking up so the kids push and push and get away with everything. Technology allows them to slack off and do what little they can to get by. Every kid has a cell phone and texts out their ass, thanks to technology and cluture, instead of using their heads and saving time by making a call to trash talk their friends in school. School is made easier so that “no child is left behind”, so they produce dumber kids. If they actualluy do their homework, instead of spending hours on AIM, myspace putting up whore pics, texting 10,000 messages a month or sitting on the coutch playing xbox, the ones that put effort into school, go to college along with the other slackers becasue now a days everyone has to go to college. they all get the same degrees. Now the job market is flooded with the same perspective employees, and odds are against the kid that worked hard and diserves the job.

I think the problems we face are rooted very deep. It is so much easier to change what is infront of you than change the root causes to prevent it from coming back. Heres a bail out check, instead of here is 30 of the countries best bussiness proccess improvment specialists who can help you not make this problem come back. Here is a pill or a shot in the arm to cure what you have, instead of here is what we have or what you can do to prevent you from getting ill. Its all just a band aid for society.

I’m an idiot because I have a different opinion than you? I am not following blindly at all, I see how a system has worked extremely well in other countries and think it would also benefit ours. Obviously what we are doing right now is NOT working. So what’s your solution? Sit back watch nothing change, or try something different to try and benefit our country?

no you’re just an idiot.

The system that works so well in other countries is not the same as the system they are putting in place here. :thumbup

:rofl @ this thread.

How do you even know it won’t work out the same though? Once again, OBVIOUSLY what we are doing right now is not working, so we have to try something different.