States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies


that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m NOT a degenerate retard, however I have paid for my own health insurance for 5 years now.

I work, have my own healthcare, attend school, but I’m not willing to let others receive less than me because of other factors.

“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services.”

This should be a given for our goverment.

I’d plus rep you if i could but i need spread some around first:lol

waahhhhh…give more to charity then. If these taxes aren’t taken enough from you already and your willing to spend more on other people. By all means please give more to charity:excited

I think charity should be a choice…not Oh everyone who doesnt work should have healthcare too so I have to give money for THEIR benefit. :Idiots

then wtf is the point of working for anything?

if everybody gets the same treatment, there’s no reason to try to excel at anything, hence communism’s downfall.


yea…why work hard to pay for some one else’s way when you can just sit back and do nothing and have everyone cover your tab :slight_smile:

rita people like you really make me think we have no hope. you’re going to keep letting pathetic retards that can’t even wipe their own ass get paid for doing nothing. if you’re saying i have to pay for some lowlife who cant even hold a job to support his own damn kids that he OR SHE!! should never have even had than i should have the right to cut their fuckin reproductive organs out so they cant make any more burdens on our society. since that would only be FAIR!!!

I want to stab myself in the eye after seeing you post this.

EVERYBODY has the right to the above mentioned items unless you are illegal and then it dosen’t matter anyway. The ONLY reason not everyone gets it is because of choices THEY made and paths THEY followed.

Yes it is your fault you had a child at 16, yes it is your fault you can no longer find time to go to college because of it, yes its your fault you’re an idiot. I can’t believe you think these people deserve something for making the mistakes they made on their own at the price of taking MY money.

Yes it is your fault you got laid off two years ago and haven’t done more than open the classifieds to look for a job. Yes it’s your fault you bought a home with an adjustable rate mortgage. Yes it is YOUR FUCKING FAULT.

Theres programs to help people who cant afford hospital bills. I just cant afford $80 a week and my boss wont give me free benefits.

I do have Aflac and its less than $5 a week but it doesnt cover much although its better than nothing I suppose.

Maybe feed inmates prime rib and lobster. Give them gold leaf bed sheets and personal trainers while they lift weights and break stones too.

Look up how much money it costs US to keep these scumbags alive in jail, those figures will blow your mind. And for shits look up how much a death penalty costs too, just incase someone thinks it is just cheaper to kill them.

Human rights are fine for people that diserve them. People that kill, rape, lie, cheat, steal, beg for a living are not human in my book, so fuck them.

Why does it cost so much for the death penalty? I mean, we can reuse the same rope, ammo is under a $1 a shot, electricity is around what, $0.20 kw/h?

Funny you mention inmates. I work around them everyday and let me tell you they have the life…

Due process and such, years of trials, appeals, lawyers, the whole nine.

so why dont bums just kill people and get a roof over their heads and a 3 meals a day?

Because most bums are on some sort of drug or alcky. They don’t want to give that up, which they would have to do by going to jail.

well I suppose but Id rather have a roof over my head than smell like urine and feces begging for change to buy a 40 of OE

You know what I am talking about. I have friends that are CO’s and they tell me all about it too.

Thats what I am sayin, go back to the wild west times. Get the work done and move on to the next.

yup. and lots more. all thanks to human rights crap. People say ohh its to make sure they really did it… if your falsely accused of something, it happens one in a million… ohh well sorry.

You my friend should try a nice frothy mad dog 20/20 then you dont know what your missing!

Ive had Steel Reserve. Thats gotta count for something, right?

only if it was high gravity

I like how in the ghetto stores the 40’s are ahead of the cases as you walk in but in most normal stores the cases are first.