Rita is basically saying that everyone in the world should be a golddigger. Oh yeah until there’s no one left to dig gold from.
I’m going to leave my argument at this, I think it’s the goverments responsibility to provide care for all of the legal citizens in the country and we shouldn’t be paying ridiculous medical bills. You all seem to have a problem with with letting others have any sort of medical care. Not everyone in this country is a scumbag who can’t afford shit.
One of my best friends is extremely sick, and can no longer work, so he is on ssi. Do I want the goverment to take away his benfits so he wouldn’t recieve proper care? Hell no. I’d much rather the goverment take a few extra dollers from me so I can keep him around in my life. You guys are such selfish pieces of shit, it blows my mind. You all seem to care ONLY about yourselves and the money involved.
The working class people cant afford to provide that kind of healthcare. And how dare you leave out all the poor illegal immigrants, they should get free healthcare and US ID’s!
Right I’m totally cool with that, but that’s not what jives me wrng in all of this.
Those people deserve some assistance, by all means.
It’s the people in perfect health (save for smoking 2 $10 packs of Newports a day), who have nineteen kids living in squalor in downtown Schenectady none of which have a full, acceptable outfit on, but they themselves are dressed in $200 sneakers, $600 North Face jackets, texting on $500 phones with $100/month plans, complaining that they only got a $10k tax refund instead of the $12k they got last year.
That is who is going to take advantage of something like this, something that you don’t really see in other parts of the world. Especially not fucking Sweden :rofl.
True, but once again, everyone on this fourm seems to use this group as their example of why this isn’t a good idea. There are plenty of people who do their part for society, don’t have a million kids, and have just been put into a situation where they can not afford healthcare. You can not forget about these people, I’m not really willing to let those good people get screwed because everyone has a stereotype of what lower class america is. There are plenty of citizens that deserve healthcare and are not getting it.
I think you’re missing my & hopefully most of their, points.
Your friend I assume was at one point a working citizen, hence the “can no longer work” part. That means her or she probably wasn’t on welfare, wasn’t begging for spare change, wasn’t mooching off the system, etc. Therefore in my eyes he or she FULLY QUALIFIES FOR THIS CARE, should have the ability to receive the care, I completely agree. But what I and I think everyone else is explaining it’s because of the “gold diggers”, social degenerates, and for lack of a better word complete fucking scumbags out there ass raping the community care systems for every dime, they are the ones that wont allow your friend to get proper care. I can double check but I dont remember stating, there shouldn’t be some sort of healthcare benefits for people in need. In fact that’s the complete opposite of what i think.
The bottom line is, drive down the shitty parts of cities and take a look around. Statistically speaking most of the people you will see, have their hand in the pot and are the people that could be killing your friend. I am sorry to be so blunt.
I have a heart for things, believe me i do. I lost family members to illness, I have friends scared for life from injury, and I have my own personal issues. When people fall on hard times, they rightfully so rely on assistance sometimes. But when people bring it upon themselves or disregard the thoughts, and well being of others or abuse systems in place for their own personal gain… I have no fucking problem putting my foot up their ass.
EXACTLY, but look at the numbers (because thats what makes the decisions in this world). Those people we stereotype are the people fucking it up for the rest of the people that deserve the health care.
You just said it your self, you used the word DESERVE. Which proves that you realize that the “stereotypes” that take advantage of the rest of us dont DESERVE it.
Its like saying I was speeding but… the BUT shows the acceptance of the situation,.
If you look back when there wasn’t welfare and government assistance, people in hard times would look for help from family/friends/neighbors/church ect. Others would help with what they can. If that person that needed help was a druggie, criminal ect, people usually won’t help them or maybe just a little in hope to help change their ways. IMO it was a great way and weeded out people who by todays standards are abusing the system.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” -John F. Kennedy
Let’s revolt, bitches.
I’ll start designing the nuke in my garage, I figure we make three or four of them and take over the east coast, who’s with me?
Im in Benny, lets do this bish!
Say don’t you work at GE? I’ll need some supplies…
oh, and I vote we kill everyone in New Jersey who isn’t cool, then pave the entire state into a ginormous race track.
PM’d about the new idea.
Well said. Do one to others as you would want done to you. there are many ways to express it. I like this one… “You want to act like a dick, you will get the shaft.” lol I just made that one up.
But it is true. Roll back the time and look at how a relationship is built between a husband and wife. At some point in their time they helped eachother or went out of their way to make the other feel welcomed and appreciated. They bonded and form a team because of it. They make babys and they follow their parents ways, that is a family full of morals, respect and contribute to the greater good for the world.
Simply reverse the actions and beliefs above and you will also reverse the 8th to last word in the sentence above. Thats just one simple example.
Life is really as simple as that.
Sign me up!
I can design the computer tracking system. Wheres PJB, he can deliver the Tyvek suits for us.
Once again, we are NOT selfish. We are just selective in those who we would choose to help, if anyone. You seem to think its ok to force people to do something they don’t want to do.
If you want to argue your point, you and anyone else who thinks like you can put YOUR money into the program. If that how you really feel. Why force people who do not want to give up hard earned money to give it to people they don’t want to?
Think before you speak.
My family grew up in whitehall, boiling water from the canal to survive, waiting for the train to roll by hoping for coal to drop off the cars so they could crawl in the dirt collecting it to stay warm. Now, they are millionaires. How? By fucking WORKING hard their whole life to provide for their families. They had no insurance, no cars, not even a bike. Guess what? Not ONE single time did they complain and say life wasn’t fair. They went out and did something about it.
So excuse me for not having sympathy for some PIECE OF SHIT who complains about his/her 8 hour days at Walmart and not being able to afford Healthcare while they are in a mound of debt that THEY put THEMSELVES into.
You and people like you have this feeling of entitlement to life which you don’t get from anyone but YOURSELVES. Do you know how much better of a place this world would be if people didn’t have big brother watching over them, spoon feeding them their so called lives? Actually out working to make it and survive? There would be no high taxes, no welfare. People would survive because they HAVE to. Making stupid decisions would not happen because YOU would know better. That is why you are ignorant on this.
Lots of good posts in this thread :thumbup
Question. Are you still living off of your family’s ‘millions’ ?
Seriously there are 91… I dont like the way it is bashing Rita… sorry Rita. But alot of people are opening up and giving lots of good thoughts for both sides.
We need someone on the “stereotypical” side of the view to chime in.
PAGING: iSisterBangGoToJail420KiiidCompleteAssetToSociety to jump in with his 2cents.
major balls with that comment right there!