States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies

You have no idea.

Nope. I have been on my own since 18. Moved into my own apt straight out of high school. Not one thing has been handed to me. Everything I own is because I have worked for it. Everything my family owns is because they worked for it. They wanted to instill those values into me and I live by them today. Do you think I would be able to own my own successful business with the mindset that you have? No fucking way.

There are no handouts, there is no “help”. It is all hard work and commitment. 90 hours a week to bring home less money than a full time manager at McDonalds. Do you see me complaining? No. Do you see me bitching that I have to pay $300/month for insurance? No. Why? Because I work for it. If ever my financial situation gets bad, the cars, the toys, all that shit GOES, way before the insurance. If everyone in this country had that mindset, there would be no issue.

Okay, Here is your problem. What about the economy right now? Unemployment is high right now, there are no new jobs, more and more people are getting laid off… What are these people supposed to do is it their fault they didnt work hard enough? Do they not deserve proper healthcare?

People are getting laid off, and yes, there are a lot of jobless people because of it. However, why should they receive something, a commodity none-the-less, for free? Part of working is knowing that you are working on an “at free will” basis. They is ALWAYS the chance you can lose your job. It is shitty but it is the truth. It happens, because it is life. And life isn’t fair. Stop expecting it to be.

Healthcare is NOT a right. It is a service. Doctors go to school for many years and work hard to get to where they are. Medical devices are $$$ as well as the insurance they have to have. You think they are going to work for less than what they are worth just because the economy is bad?? No.

I am not going to fix peoples computers for free because people can’t afford it right now. Same as any other business. Insurance is a business, that people have come to rely upon as the main source to pay their bills for medical care. Therefore it should take priority over anything else.

[quote=99FRC;527119]People are getting laid off, and yes, there are a lot of jobless people because of it. However, why should they receive something, a commodity none-the-less, for free? Part of working is knowing that you are working on an “at free will” basis. They is ALWAYS the chance you can lose your job. It is shitty but it is the truth. It happens, because it is life. And life isn’t fair. Stop expecting it to be.

Healthcare is NOT a right. It is a service. Doctors go to school for many years and work hard to get to where they are. Medical devices are $$$ as well as the insurance they have to have. You think they are going to work for less than what they are worth just because the economy is bad?? No.

I am not going to fix peoples computers for free because people can’t afford it right now. Same as any other business. Insurance is a business, that people have come to rely upon as the main source to pay their bills for medical care. Therefore it should take priority over anything else.[/quo

Healthcare not a right?

I really do not understand you. Everything about you is about money. No human connection. It’s sad.

see if you’re telling me that everything today isnt about money then you’re out of your mind. our entire country is a damn business. even our government is set up like a business. and benny hows that bomb coming. i’m stockpiling ammo now so we should be good.

It is abot money, but do you really feel fine with only wealthy citizens having healthcare?

Weathly citizens are NOT the only ones with healthcare. Almost all middle-class citizens have the ability to get it as well.

For lower class, you have medicaid.

For seniors you have medicare.

For children you have programs like Child Health Plus, etc etc.

There is a ton of help out there for everyone. The only ones left are the ones screaming for it because they are incompetent.

you beat me to it.

Hmmmm don’t see Healthcare in here…

well played sir very well played

Wow this thread is good. I dont agree with the new health care policies. They have certain programs set up already and they have had these programs for years and some how our country has survived but now with our socialist president all the sudden these programs are no longer good enough?

Remeber, it has nothing to do with the people. The old programs are now making little money if any for the govn’t. So they are coming up with a new way to get that money.

Taxing people with insurance, forcing people who don’t have it to get it (or face fines/jail), and then taking a small amount of money to pay for the scum of the land to get shitty healthcare. The rest will be made up in profits from the taxes the insurance companies will be paying based on the gigantic increase in profit they are about to see.

my sister is a dr. and i discussed this with her and she HATES the new bill. its going to force dr’s to only have a certain amount of time with each patient. and cut many of their salaries. so she went to med school and spent all that money and now the government is going to have partial control over her job. BULLSHIT!!!

The “economy right now” is honestly a scape goat alot of people are using. As a matter of fact the “economy right now” is bouncing back. My stocks are back up, not where they were but better. Thats one example. Talk to business owners they will tell you what they see too.

unemployment is high-er because of the slow economy trying to bounce back. Again, I blame the big businesses for this. They take the easy route and get rid of people to put big $$ number savings on paper. That gets more stock holders, put money back into the business… hopefully to develop better products and further the company along, again hopefully to the point where they can hire back its employees and continue business. Instead of cutting costs other ways and changing business practices to retain employees and still make money and stay afloat. Thats is MUCH harder than just canning someone.

Yes it is kind of their fault they get laid off, if they work harder at something, i am sure they can find a way to still be working. Strong survive.

I was laid off last year from my job. NYS canceled our contract with the company. Long story short. Not to toot my own horn but I was one of the best people working on that project and was firmly seated with management and if the contract was accepted I would be in a VERY good position. I go there by making the upper management realize me and my skills, I worked harder than the guy next to me, and took on challenges outside of my normal job description to fly past the people I was hired on with. It sucked. alot. I just purchased a house, had a car that i owed alot of money on and it didn’t even run… I had alot against me.

I sat on unenjoyment for about 3 months, mostly because I wanted the chance to get some of my money back and see what it was like. AKA be lazy. I will be honest, I didnt look too hard in the beginning. I saved enough money when it started looking bad for the contract to keep me afloat plenty well. Do diligence or something like that you could call it.

Also being an “IT Professional” I am in a flooded job market. It isnt easy to get an interview for these jobs because of the sheer numbers. Again, once I got off my lazy ass and actively looked for another job, i found one and was hired in less than 2 weeks. I put in some serious hours in making my resume look different than the ave IT Joe’s. Put in allot of time preparing for the interview and used my networking connections to get my foot in the door. Now I work for NYS, again. lol

You sit around and be lazy and mooch sucks. friends with jobs looked down on me sometimes, I felt like a scumbag at times… But It was the first time I could see what it was all about. lol It also gave me time to get working on my car, finish alot of things on my house, and many other things I put off.

Unemployment makes you go interview with these job seekers or you “could loose your benefits”. What a joke that is. I didnt go for the first 3 and finally figured Ill go for the 4th attempt they made to get me to go. The guy I talked to was a complete boob, and tried to tell me he had 3 degrees in IT fields, this that and the other thing and I could tell instantly he was a fuck up. Why else would he be making 16hr telling me how to find a job… after he spent $80k+ on his degrees? Fuck you pal. it also goes to show you how easy it is to ignore the system and just collect a check. there wasnt any follow up or anything with me while I was on it.

Once I needed to get my ass in gear, my work ethic kicked back in and I was working in 2 weeks time.

Bottom line is you get back what you put in. Work hard and you earn it.

PS while I was unemployed, i paid $80 a month for Cobra health insurance.

jesus christ cliffs please

for real tl;dr.

J/k, Krazy Kid, you have some good points.

Thanks, glad to see i am not bing to hard on you and you dont hate me. :tongue


Hahah, You’re not being hard, you’re good at having intelligent conversation. You don’t automatically resort to being immature and call someone an idiot because of difference in opinion.

HOLY SHIT. :ahh Somone stickie that shit on top of the OT section for me please!!!