I just snagged these at work. I love them, but I don’t NEED them. They are a limited edition GOLD color. I just opened up the box 30 minutes ago to try them out, but otherwise they are brand spankin’ new.
New they go for $200, if not more for this limited color.
So i’ve been wearing these at work the past couple days… really falling in love with them.
Since they are now officially used i’d take $150 firm or i’ll just rock them for a while. Not being an audiophile and this being my first set of ‘nice’ headphones, i’m blown away at how great everything I listen to sounds.
I was thinking about getting a pair of these as i listen to music at the gym for 2 hours a day. Two of my buddies have these and they love them, but I just have a feeling theyd be too bulky and annoying after a few days lol. Are these wireless paul?
Ill make my standard moboost firesale lowball offer mainly because they were free to you and maybe you just want some quick cash. If you really really want to move them, I can get you the money whenever. PM me with the lowest youll go if youre desperate lol.
I know what youre saying, and im not insulting, but hes bumped the thread several times now so if we can help each other out, I dont see how at least just the offer is hurting. I dont really need these either but id like them for the right price