Beaverun April 4th

Anyone going for the Autocross on April 4th at Beaverun? It will be my first time autocrossing, so I’m pretty excited. I’m bring my 1993 VR4 and my friend is bringing up my old 1994 3000GT SL. There are supposed to be a few other people I know going too.

Should be a good time :slight_smile: Any tips?


HLXdrummer- I’ll be bringing my stealth out (not this meet but the next give or take) Its going to be a wild ride for me :slight_smile:

I’ll be there. See you up there.

I’ll most likely be there if the weather is nice.

Awesome. You guys will have to say hi and introduce yourselves to me, I’ve been to a few Pittspeed events but don’t really know anyone.

Let me know on 3Si when your going to an event greekpower!

Dyingwish, do you have an Integra? I’ll be keeping an eye out for a 350Z too

Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

if i get some shit sold and get my new suspension, i may Be running autox, drift for sure,

Steve if your definitely going up let me know. If the weather is nice I might stop up. Gotta get the cobwebs blown out before NHSCC the following day. Hell maybe we can finally swap cars lol.

Yes, a white one…can’t miss it.

I plan on being there, so as long as nothing breaks between now and then I’ll be there. You definitely need to drive it Chris, methinks you’ll like it.

I’ll most likely be up with my turbocharged car.

i will most likely be there teaching my old man to auto-x
i will help represent the hyundai crowd

Awesome :slight_smile:

I know of a Cobalt SS, Turbo tC, AWD DSM, that SL, my Dad, and my car coming. Should be fun.

Can you rent helmets there? Also does anyone know what time the event is and when it runs until?

they have a few helmets that you can use up there but to get one you have to give them your liscense to get one. they only have a limited number tho

10:00 am to 4 pm
40 bucks to race and you usually get more runs than you can handle.


Hm… I’ll be getting up nice and early, huh?

I hope I can get one of their helmets because if not I’ll be screwed. That would be a long trip for nothing lol I guess if I get there early I’ll be alright.

Thanks for the info everyone.

you will get helmets…if there aren’t enough you will just exchange with someone else renting one on their off-runs.

don’t worry about it.

Awesome, good to know :slight_smile:

Ive never been up to beaver run for there auto x events. Whats the average number of cars that go up there? Is it mostly imports like im seeing you post about or are there some domestic cars also?

Its usually a good mix. Don’t worry about showing up with a domestic you won’t be the only one. Hell I went up a few summers ago and I was the only civic admist the corvette club that was visiting haha A little odd but no big deal.

Ya, if you look at pictures on their website it looks like a decent amount of domestics show up. Don’t worry about it :slight_smile: Real car guys don’t care either way as long as your a cool person.

I am curious though about how many cars will be there.