Bennyfizzle actin harddd

Straight G

damn thats a fat fuck! :rofl

:haha Aparently thats a girl. Im not sure if i believe it…

thats a chick lolol

This is for everyone who wants to see some fuckin moves

Right to the fuckin ballz!!! :rofl

Crip fo lyfe son.


just seen the end where her fat is blocking her ability to kick higher then her waist. :rofl

Cause I would UUGHHH, in the face! :rofl

Where’s Wayne in here with his “Would Smash”? :rofl


OMFG its female!!!

I’m having a really hard time believing there isn’t a wang and set of balls buried in there somewhere.

It’s funny how he’s (I mean she) talking about 500 and 600 pounds people when he is probably 700.

World of Warcraft: We transform ordinary people into 459lb ninjas since 1998.

I’d fuck the shit outta that guy

I would video tape and post said actions in: Shift 518 > Eye Candy > Video > Bennyfizzle fucking fat ass WOW thugged out chickguy

Tight van. Windstar?

I wasn’t surprised to see that “it” lived in a trailer park… oh, and what the fuck is na’jitsu LOLOLOLOLOL