Bernanke: "...We're ****ed"

oh, boy down to your real world experience, being the president of some hydraulic company!!! seriously, can i have your autograph??!?!!!?

im sure all your experience with pumps and machines and whatnot have qualified you to spout unsupported “big business and the government are out to get me” conspiracy theories. i am sure you are good at operating your business, but hydraulic pumps and operating that business hardly provide you anything close to a glimpse of the mass of iceberg below the surface. you clearly have only been staring at the tip.

the funny thing is, there is reality, what actually happened with the subprime meltdown, and then there is whatever ridiculous world you are living in. if we applied your economic policy to the situation, the economy would melt down.

yours is a world of absolutes and paranoia. apparently an overinflated sense of self worth as well comes along with that package deal.

the problem with people like you is you sit around and say “its not MY mess, its not MY mess, WAAAH WAAH” and cry like a baby. then you sit around and bitch while other provide solutions and you shoot them down with no factual basis to do so, your only support being evidence you have gathered from your limited manufacturing world.

what cpa firm DID i work for? one of the big four firms, you need not know specifics. you seem like a psycho, and frankly i have no need for losers like you hunting me down with your radical ideas and loose canon personality.