Freddie & Fannie Bailout

There is only a few days to try and stop it before the US dollar is thrown overboard.

So i take it you never want to buy a house?

Great read, but I’ll admit I had to skim it because I’m wrapping up at the office for the day. Personally I think we have to have plan in place to bail out Freddie/Fannie and hope that it never needs to be used. But I’ll read the article in further detail later to see if it changes my opinion.

However, please show me once in the history of online petitions a case where an online petition changed the opinion of a political vote.



Joe you have got to be loving this mess.
It is the perfect mechanism to advance socialism.
This is a prime example of Liberal Fascism.
“Give us ALL of your money so we can help you.”

OK SO…for you people who are against these bail out programs WTF do you think we should do?

I’m surprisingly into profit in real life, in industries that people don’t die for it…

Yes Joe and I are going to be millionaires. But the bottom line is the bail out WILL be better for our economy and help YOU make more money. I know you tin hat people can only look at things from some crazy everything is so wrong point of view but for real believe it or not some of these people are quite smart and trying to help our economy. I swear

Sometimes medicine can be painful to take, but fix the problem in the end. Let Fannie and Freddie die. They screwed up. Their assets will be sold off and other companies will take over where they left off.

People forget that the housing bubble is what allowed them to grow so large.

Letting them die doesn’t mean no one will be able to buy houses. By bailing them out it will only encourage more mal-investment and bad business practices.

The treasury has an unlimited power to purchase their stock. Has anyone noticed that the housing bill also raises the national debt limit by $900,000,000,000? That should be a good indicator of the effect this bill is going to have on the US dollar, which effects every american. It is not very often that when government has the ability to spend money and they don’t.

If the treasury buys Freddie and Fannie stocks, they pay with treasury notes. At that point the US currency is backed by that Fannie and Freedie stock and it’s assets. Their assets are worthless debt that no one wants! Thats why the treasury will have to bail them out!

Does no one else see how incredibly horrible this is for the US dollar?

Let them die. There will be a short period of hard times to buy a house, but if you look around we are already halfway there and on the way anyway. In the long run not bailing them out is the best solution.

Think long term, not short term fix.

i disagree it being a short term fix. I consider it a best solution fix. I really am not in the mood to debate as its not like either of us will see the light.

ok, agree to disagree.

Time will tell.

well this thread got useless fast.

I think its a shitty ship to sail any way you cut it to be honest. It is unfortunate we are in the position and think action is better then no action.

So shed some light in it then you homo. :beer2:

fuck that, lol, not worth the time. i gave up on financial input on this site.

I think you got your vas deferens in a twist… untwist them and quit being so cranky.

HAHAHAH actually I am in the same boat right now. I know one thing and that is I make a comfortable amount of $ investing and thats all that matters at the end of the day to me lol. Actually screw the economy and everyone else i am just in it for the Ferrari I want. There, I said it.

Just don’t forget that your ferrari is going to cost more with a weaker dollar.

The Ferrari goes along perfectly with point and laugh economics. “More than you can afford, PAL. HA HA!”

The one intelligent thread all day that I could actually learn something from, and apathy took over after like 6 posts. Damn.