I currently have a Best Buy gift card that has $234.97 on it. I would like to sell this for $200 which is about a 15% discount. I realize it’s a good bit of money on the card which most people probably don’t want but I really have no use for it. If someone wants to buy a Wii, PS3, iPod, TV, stereo, etc. they could pick up a bit of a discount on it.
It’s hard to prove the amount on the card so I snagged a screen shot of Best Buy’s website showing the Gift Card balance. First one to put the cash in my hand takes it.

lol…keep going and one of you might just reach a reasonable number
so close…anyone want to offer closer to what i’m asking?
damn jews always fuck up the auctions…
your suppose to bid “higher” then the person before you… 
if i had the money i would buy this, cuz i want to get a new pioneer receiver, just dont have the cash at the moment…
you would…:nono:
haha, that’s some funny shit.
high bid of 180 going to showtime…
180 going once…
now that i think about it, i would have given you this as trade for my exhaust. and yes, i know you would have loved that deal no questions asked.