Best christmas present you received as a kid...

I had one, it was orange and yellow, god I fucking loved that thing, I wonder how much rwhp it put down

it makes you 28-35 btw

I was 16, that still counts as a kid.

There are a lot of members on here that could use this right now!

i remember having that same exact thing, I thought it was cool as fuck that the wall came off haha.

sorry broski, im only 21. and yes they did rip, so much that i remember mine having holes in the plastic from doing siiqqqqqqqqqqq hairy burnouts down the sidewalk in front of my house.

must have been a hand me down, everyone knows the real big wheels of the 70s/early 80s died with childhood obesity and video games


I loved the sick hand brake action, god I used to fuck myself up hardcore with that fine piece of japanese plastic

hahaha i loved the removable/adjustable backrest. it was nice for movin the little honeys around the neighborhood. lol i guess thats where it all started??? hmmmm…

i pop my backrest, because i mack best

I still have that entire set in my parents attic. Fucking win!

G.I. Joe Aircraft Carrier for me. Still have it, and every other G.I.Joe toy imaginable packed away.

Ninja Turtles, or crash test dummies. Its a tie. Cant find a good picture.

I am fairly sure everyone who was anyone owned one of these.


x2 NES was the bomb shit. Almost had a heart attack when “santa” finally brought us one

I had this lego kit for Xmas once…put it together too


I think I traded it to Chino for dim sum.

hell yes. i gave it as an xmas gift to the brother in law… i kinda wish i kept it though I wanna play some goldeneye

Fuck your aliens, I remember when I got this and finally had the complete set of the exploriens

And Legos. Fuck, I love Legos.