what was the best xmas gift

you’ve ever got?

steelers tickets. Two years ago i got steelers tickets for xmas to the ravens game. it was the day after xmas and we beat the shit out of the ravens. it was bens rookie year and the ravens were the 1 loss we had earlier in the regular season so beating them was that much better.

plus it was the first steelers game i ever went to.

Best Christmas present ever…

I’ve gotten more expensive and nicer, but my wife got me a cutaway accoustic guitar last year that’s pretty awesome that I still play almost daily. Very thoughtful and cool gift.

thats funny, I took gina to that game for a christmas gift. It was a great game!

I would have to say my favorite gift was my bike when I was 8 years old. I beat the crap out of it and love every second of it. I thought I was so cool cause i had a front hand brake!

favorite was probably my .22 I got a few years ago.

i had so much fun there. i was an ice cube by the time we left but it was the best time ive ever had.

hmm. this is a tough one. id have to say either my dukes of hazzard pedal car or maybe my origional nintendo?

Probaly my Team Associated RC10 R/C car. I had just started racing and at the time that was the thing to have. Spent all xmas night building it and raced it the next weekend at the old East Street Raceway in Verona.



Id have to say my best Christmas gift was my first car the year I turned 16, it was a 1979 Cadillac Sedan Deville…all white, with burgundy leather…that thing was a beast… I was planning on buying it, because it was for sale at the dealership I was working at. I was a lot attendant, and I absolutely loved that car. My parents wouldn;t let me buy it because they said we had limited parking, and it was too big, but Christmas day, it was sitting in the driveway. 12 years later and I still miss that car. It went to Phoenix with me when we moved there, but when we came back, I sold it because I didn’t think it would make it back.

there are lots of them
cars ,cash ,parts ect

but this ranks pretty high


my girlfriend :dunno:

Atari 800 XL home computer when I was 8.

Without that one gift I would probably grind away at a totally shitty job instead of becoming a Software Engineer and liking what I do (well, most days).

Not that they’ll ever see this, but thanks mom and dad.

Pens tickets to the “blackout game” last season. Even though they lost, it was a great game.

I’ll have to go with Whitey. Bicycle was probably the most meaningful.

Just think how excited you got about stuff when you were a kid. Remember what it was like the night before Christmas? It’s just not like that when you’re an adult. My 14 year old still gets excited about gifts (shoes :rolleyes:) but you can really see how much fun my 4 year old has putting up the tree, making a list, etc.


powerwheels jeep wrangler, hands down the best

id have to say my bike when i was little also… i remember finding the key to the door where my parents hid all of our gifts. and at night sneaking down there just to sit on my bike. I loved it that bike i must say was one of my best christmas gifts.

i’d honestly have to say when i got the sega master system when i was a kid. i loved it. my family still plays the video from when i opened the box. i went nuts. it was great.

probably i am going to have to say was my first dirtbike when i was 12. a honda xr100

A Pentium 100 pc when I was 12. This was back when you got a computer for $4000, it came with a SHITLOAD of useless software to show off those absolutely pathetic (by today’s standards) video capabilities, but it was the first computer that was MINE. My friends would come over and we would record ourselves saying a million phrases, then slow them down to half speed to sound like drunk old men and prank people with them.

In hindsight, it’s pretty fucked up that my family spent $4000 on a computer, and I used it for AOL X-Men message boards and prank phone calls.