best excuse to start drinking at 9:00am that ive found in a long time

Clamming! Heres the deal. You drive your boat out into the bay which is about waist deep. bring lots of beer and a cd player. get out of boat and walk around in the squishy mud. When you feel a clam, you pick it up. Toss in boat. Drink beer. rinse. lather. repeat until thoroughly intoxicated. then drunkenly try to load up your boat and drive back to house. steam clams, dip in melted butter mixed with tabasco. continue drinking. best day off ever.


fuckin a.

bearded clams?


crabbin is fun too

haha clams are good shit man

damn i wish i was at the beach


the best excuse is not even needing one

steamed up 20 min after plucking them out of the bay, then dipped in tabasco/melter butter. fucking sweet.

sadly that is the only “clam” darkstar has eaten all summer :rofl:

:owned: :owned: :owned: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m jealous…Drinking 9am but with good reason - Have a good day

tabasco sucks cock compared to franks red hot.

know your role


adds flavor not just heat…

either that or tounge of siracha…



you guys that like hot… ever see that shit in giant eagle thats a clear bottle (sorta like contact solution bottle) that has red hot sauce and a chicked on the front with all chinese lettering?

that shit is pimp.

that’s the Siracha (sp?) Mike was talking about. We have a whole bottle at home.

oh… hahaha… i thought it was all chinese, never looked at it… it’s perfect for grilling ribs and shit!!!

we need a cookout!!

cracka please