Best fails of 2009-epic

So worth the wait.

so good


omg I loled sooo hard on that vid.

I dont like seeing people get fucked up. Maybe its because I was an EMT and I had to see what really happens durring the aftermath. But some of those were funny as hell.


Some of those were truly epic.

That reminds me of many altercations I’ve had while riding. The best was the bitch in an Escalade in Hamburg.

It’s still hilarious the 2nd time you watch it. :slight_smile:

thats right bitch. its the black and red suzuki…

I think my favorite is the guy who gets spin kicked in the face after he steals something at the mall.

Nah, gotta be punting the cat.

seriously awesome, so much fail

I thought he was saying how he was doing 200 past a cruiser and got away or something as the cops couldn’t catch him.

:tup: :tup:


Spin kick was pretty good, got owned. I laughed when I saw that hard ass biker guy wreck on camera at the end of his show.

so many dumb people…who holds a rifle like that?


I have watched this like 3 times, its still funny as hell

repost btw.
last post.

oh, and my favorite is 3:41 when the guy is being a douchebag trying to fuck up the horse and gets fucked up himself.

for some reason i found the one with the guy trying to get the dog in the water funny as hell.

LOL @ fat kid not falling through the ice

EDIT: why are people so stupid? wow


Lot of stupid people out there