Best movie of the 80s gets a sequel 21 years later


looks pretty good but was hoping for sequel to goonies lol

awww man, there were so many good movies in the 80s… you think Lost Boys is one of the tops lol??

The new one doesnt look bad

I will definitely see that. The best movie of the 80’s however was Caddyshack.

Personal preference i guess. Its hard to find a movie in the 80s thats still not watchable the whole way thru even now days. I dont normally go see movies anymore, but this will be on my top to see this year.

the goonies… lol

that was def one of the best 80’s movies

remember “Short Circuit” ?
I used to love that movie up until I was about ten then completely forgot about it. I watched it a few months ago and haha, your right, its almost not watchable to the end…

The Lost Boys, Caddyshack, Short Circuit, and the Goonies are all great flicks! I’ll add the original Vacation as one of the best 80s movies too.

The fact that Corey Feldman looks pretty much like he did 21 years ago is halarious. Corey Hiam is back too reprising his role. Dude looks like hes 60 from drug use.

Nobody is going to mention “Better off Dead”? With one of the greatest race scenes ever? lol

for me its a toss up between Best of the Best and The Last Dragon… to awesome movies haha. I was only born in the mid 80s though so I missed half of em

That was my favorite for a long time too. Its hard to pinpoint one movie thats the best of that era. Too many goodies to list.

Better off Dead and Short Circuit are staples in my childhood.

Back To The Future,The Goonies,Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,Bloodsport
Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Stand By Me. Robocops, Rain Man
Last American Virgin Dream A Little Dream Top Gun

Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!

cant forget gremlins

First Blood, Commando, Missing In Action, Red Dawn…

Death Wishes

“he just shot the giggler”

caddy shack, lost boys, space balls, breakfast club(ya i went there), stand by me, ferris bullers day off, karate kid

goonies would be bad ass…

loved that movie just watched it the other night

chester copperfield…

danda slick shoes…
pinchies of power!!

asain dan could be dana
slomaro sloth
sailor as mouth
bigblockelcamino and themean old lady
cheeks as chunk would of said burndee but he looks like an athiopian now
kolor as the frat boy jock older borther