Best place for fireworks?

i might goto niagara falls, they start at 10 if this damn rain ever stops


Best show…nothing else will compare this saturday at Buffalo Hill in varysburg…20a across form byrncliff concert before hand fireworks after u have to pay to be at the concert but u could drive up and watch i guess…but its even better when u have been drinking all day

I’m on maple, stealing someones internet.

by far best show ever

fireworks for an hour straight, you could swear it was daytime for how bright it is

I ended up going to UB. Decent show, seemed kinda short though.

uncle bens party!

yea. i thought it was pretty good… only one realy dangerous low explosion :frowning:

I miss Orchard Park and their constant fuck ups and flames ripping into the crowd of people… sigh

I shall go there next year

we went to the dunkirk fireworks display last night. The fireworks lasted over an hour and the finally was the best i’ve ever seen.

Scammers? Back-story?

I was at EA with the lady. Solid show this year.

And for some reason unbeknownst to me, I am going to that Buffalo Hill crap despite absolutely detesting country music.

Agreed but i havnt been able to make it out for 2 years now.

I heard Casino Niagara had some good ones the day before

Heard Dunkirk was cancelled so I went up to Mickey Rats. It was sweet because there was more than just one area where people were blowing off fire works. They had the main one on the beach, and then to the left and right, people were blowing their own off at their own beaches. It was pretty awesome. And they had some huge ass fires too.

Had a really good time.

I was at lancasters show last night, pretty bad ass show, wicked ending, i had an iraq flashback and snapped 3 old ladies necks :clap: good show!

