geuss u watched the news!
Why, was this on the news or something??
was yes it was &
wtf is this? lol
R 1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8 10 much better
ever try moving a car while um non sober:kekegay:
Hmmmm… I can’t get the link to work. Do you have a link straight to the news article???
Ahhhh… nevermind, I get it. It wasn’t a link to the news story, it was letting me know to introduce myself. Sorry, I = not too smrt.
Obviously fuckhead
these sites suck, so a dude or a chick gets fucked over and then next thing you know the nutcase on the recieving end posts some rambling story about it then throws in some story about VD, the other one has.
Hows that spooge in your eye working out? did the redness clear?
i guess you read that on one of those sites huh?
tell you mamie to learn how to aim before you goes shootin that shit everywhere
I think he patched it?
woah I know some people on that site… I used to work at best buy with the one.
took lessons at the vd clinic, said aim for the towel not the giddy person with the mouth open. I dont listen well
so let me re-interate.
1st you went to a “VD” clinic
where they instucted you to aim your “Vaginal Dishcarge” towards a towel, but youd rather shoot your “VD” towards an open mouth… right.
Sooo you have a vagina?
or Vanerial disiece, either way you have a vagina…
You liked it either way tucked in or out, but never enough of the V
tucked, thanks