I should be there at 8, if not I will call someone to let them know what time I will be showing up.
Well break a few nails. Tough work typing up quotes and ordering material all day :lol:
umm i know i havent been to a bunch of the meets lately but i cant go to this one either sorry guys…
went to the football game last night and going home we got jumped by a group of guys… so lets just say i look very pretty today… and 3 big dudes versus me… not so even of a match i found out… sorry guys
Well that sucks. Hope your ok
Nevermind, I’m kinda not slept since … yesterday… so count me out. Last thing I need to explain to anyone why I crashed my car on day 2.
I hate sports goons … hope you mend up well
Sorry I dissed you guys. It’s been a busy 3 days. Been searching for a house and I had to visit my Grandma today, haven’t seen her for over 2 weeks and she just got out of the hospital. I will make it to the next one so long as I find a house by then
oh ya its all good i can walk now and my face is starting to look normal…well as normal as it was before… how was the meet? btw clutch goes in today! hooray!
Meet sucked ass. I think I will cancel the remaining meets for the year.
aww that sucks to hear… i honestly was wanting to go… but i was detained for obvious reasons
LIke I said, I’m sorry I didn’t show. It’s been a crazy week. We bought a house and now I do all the bullshit that follows it
I understand you guys not being there but really Me, James and Julian standing around was a waste of time and It’s been like this last 4 meets. The only meet anyone showed up to I was doing photos. Really it’s not worth my time to put effort into these if know one shows. James and I always cruise on weekends so if you want to cruise contact us.
We aren’t pointing fingers anymore or placing blame on anyone, but really, what’s the point of showing up to a meet when there is only a couple people? I (we) understand that people have obligations, as do we, but in all honesty there is no point to having anymore meets because nobody shows up. I mean Ryan is a good guy and all, but only having him and myself is not a club, it’s 2 guys standing in a parking lot looking like total idiots.
(Sorry Jules, you were there as well)
I vote for having one more meet, and depending on the turnout call it quits for the year if nobody shows up.
Just my $0.02 worth.:rant:
Summer’s a tough season, I planned on being there but had to play tour guide on White Ave for some out of province work buddies.
My two cents would be to have the meets during the week, say like a thursday night, that way you don’t have to worrry about weekend commitments. Unless you all have to get your beauty sleep before work on the cat walk. ;o)
i think we have a winnar!
We could try that, but this season is pretty much a write off. Something to consider for next year.
all jokes aside summer is still like 2 more months…
We only have 4 meets left, can you honestly say you will make it to at least one? Not trying to be a dick, but seriously I’ll believe it when I see it.
SooOOO are we in agreement to change it to Thursday nights ???
Ok… I’ll try 1 more meet on a Thursday and see what happens.