OW NJ0000 BISH :spank: :boink :boink :boink
I :love: tequila
mmmmm…me too. u know whre has some huge margaritas? mad mex. but you gotta go there on half price night cause they are $11 regular!!!
Damn, speak english not ebonics
sorry…WHERE…haha it looks like I was already having some margaritas!
actually it should be “who has the best margaritas” if your are drinking you better share with me…
okok…sorry, I am not an engllish major…lol. and you should have come out to the clubs this weekend. We were down in pitts both fri and sat night gettin our drink on.
whera at? , you cant call a brotha…
got the barcrawl pass both nights. went between tequila willies and touch. i don’t have your # to call you!! lol
what night were you at Touch, Josh and Devin, where down there Sat. I think. Cause you didnt ask…
yeah we were at both places both nights…I saw them there on sat. we usually go on sat nights. go next week!!
Big Azz Margaritas from mad mex = violent diarea the next day. I still keep on drinkin them.
I’m going to get one of those 3ft. Margaritas when I’m in Vegas tomorrow.
they are $6 10-12 everynight! thats why it presented itself as a good idea last night :burnout:
ahhhh…I didn’t know it was every night!!! that sounds a little more appealing to me too…lol I haven’t been to the ones around here yet…only the one in state college
^ :gives:
Applebees has some pretty good giant Margaritas. They mix em up good too, with 1800 and Grand Marnier.