Big bass takes on a poor swimming mouse

haha poor bastard

Man talk about exciting! I felt like I was watching Blair Witch Project with a bunch of screaming little girls. Don’t see the fascination.

But damn, swallowed the thing whole pretty much.

cruel and stupid

yeah… idk about that…


the screaming was gay. I once fed a mouse to a snake…pretty cool.


i would most likely have punched anybody who thought that was funny had i been present for the “fun” :roll:

in with the cruel and stupid crowd…

poor mouse, that was lame

that was fucking gay



Eh, it’s nature. Mouse didn’t suffer any more than being squeezed to death by a constricting snake. Either way it died by suffocation.

Sucks being near the bottom of the food chain.

What’s the difference between that and feeding a pet lizard crickets?

yup, stupid fucking kids

The anticipation of death by drowning is worse than anything else

sweet lol

first time we agree on something.

I would like to hook those assholes up to a neon sign transformer

hah, never seen a bass actually take dwn a mouse…but, I have a weddless mouse BASS lure. Go figure.
I would have hit them kids if I was there…because they needed to be smacked. Acting like fuckin idiots over feeding a mouse to a bass.
You guys that think thats bad, should of been with me when I was at Markheims and stumbled across “individually-wrapped” dead mice in the back area where the reptiles are.
Lastly, fug mice…I have them in my house, I use sticky pads, spring traps ect. I do feel kinda bad when they’re still alive on the sticky pad…but, thats the way it goes. I asked them nice to leave and they wouldnt.