big ben= big jag-off

no really dude Ben is a turd and he really does have herpes.


ha. you guys are tight, huh?

yah we hang out, ride dirt bikes and shit


ya, i thought i saw the Denalli parked out front before.

How do you think Ben got the herps?

haha, he brings the white cavalier over with rims actually!

swing low sweet chariot!

Yinz are some sick mofo’s…funny as hell, but sick none-the-less.


omg i heard from a guy who’s sister’s friend’s accountant’s landscaper that Big Ben took a piss and didn’t wash his hands!!!

eww! and i heard he called the bathroom attendant a lesbian turd scooper!

omg let’s secretly hate him now!!!




First: Where the fuck is VIP at the wexford Cabana Bar? I’ve been all over that place and never seen anything remotely related to VIP besides maybe that fire pit with the roof.

Secondary: Why do these guy’s ‘girlfriends’ go to any VIP area with a football star? That just doesn’t make sense. Do you think that he really appreciates their company? Did you guys hold her purse while she is off flirting with the millionaire kid?

Tertiary: Where can i find this Cavalier with the rims? Sounds like that shit is mad hot.

OMGGGGGG!!!1111111111111111111111111 Logik!

:rofl: logik out of far far left field!