Big Ben > *

tru but designed 3 yard passes accomplish the same as a run and still let the QB get hit

as a general rule, ya i agree. but i thought that play-action was the best move there. especially once the saw the formation balti had. i think a short pass isnt too risky in that situation. play to win, dont give them a chance to come back. if balti was a better offensive team , they had more than enough time to drive down and score on us. and our defense wasnt playin well enough that i’d want to put that much responsibility on them.

i did the same exact thing. crazy

hahaha they did play to win, with only 50 seconds on the clock, thats not that much time to go the whole way down the field, it can happen, but not with the ravens

I didn’t know ben could kick …

i disagree but whatever its ok

i missed the kick but it somehow ended up on their 1 yrd line i believe, thats pretty damn impressive for a QB or a kicker for that matter.

jsut a quick kick, it was like idk 30 yds, it was awsome though!!

how didnt they, moved ball down feild, got in range, ran clock down as much as possible, and then kicked the field goal for the win, yes a little more time off wouhd have been nice, but its the ravens we were playin, not Indy

ward had some nice catches… he one handed it a few times and the one pass that was almost int. but then ward grabbed it and got nailed. He still got up with a smile on his face.

if someone can find me a Polamalu jersey for cheap I’ll paypal them whatever the cost is plus $10.


i have mad love for extreme sports too, but football is fucking awesome.

im sayin that i think that championship team can get that first down and either run the time down and kick a fg w/ no time remaining or just go to the endzone. the way our ‘d’ was playin they r lucky it was a depleted ravens team given the chance cause alot of good teams wouldve ran right up there and scored on us (remember Jax a few weeks ago). i just think they dont put teams away when they have a chance thats all. and runnin bettis 4-5 times in a row i ca see, but when its 3rd and a couple and the 1st down means u can run the rest of the clock out, then go for the fucking 1st down. they had they line stacked, so even if they play was originally a run play, audible out of that , run a play action and pick up the first down.

the steelers could go 0-16 every year and i’d still watch them long before i’d watch the penguins.