Big storm might hit us... put your cars away.

It looks like a big ass storm might hit us. up to 1+" hail possible, so if your car is parked outside… I would put it inside!

hmm…let me check the weather app on my CELL PHONE

camio guna get fucked up

As soon as I saw thread title, I half exspected a post like that kid


hahhahahahh I heard he is coming to town to shoot it!

Sweet, I’ll be sure to put my car outside to collect from insurance.

Put your dishes in the cupboards. a storm will hit us in the near future or beyond.


The shit tore through my neighborhood around 4:15PM… trees are down across RT29 and shit, it was like hell driving through it to get home. No joke.

<didnt get anything…

Thanks for the tip.

Moving the Cobalt outside right now. BRING ON THE HAIL!

edit Caz has the right idea. :lol

So for once Cobleskill wasn’t the center of the shit storm? Wow. Seems like everytime I am headed home from Albany, Kingston,or Syracuse, it is shitty here.

Most is all south of Albany. Didn get a thing in averill park

Well, the bullshit came back… the power has been out for over 2hrs and the rain keeps coming in crazy spurts. Lots of lightning and wind as well.

nuttin in mechanicville

My friend had a baseball game in Amsterdam and he said that they had to call the game due to the weather.

I’m sitting outside watching the sky right now. Something’s a brewin’ up there…

Pretty windy in Colonie right now.

nevermind . its rainin and hailing . high winds and shit lol

A lot of people are dealing wid da rain.

Clear view of the moon right now.