Big Turbz

i think he is trying to get out of vw’s

yeah it sucks that my car you can just get in and drive it across the country and not worry about much.

lol true so h should just put his car back to stock so ir will run right.

Bobby im printing your sales flyers now

shut your dumb whore mouth

yeah stock FTW. i love having a stock GTi

Mine is reliable now, i replaced everything that needed to be replaced .No codes or anything now.Drive it every day to troy for school and for work

i got slicks, run it!!!~11!!12!@!$^7776t

your running it today bobby on slicks

I need a better tune, will be all set next week.
Getting different sw


like boys!?!? right up ur alley ladude.

Yea you know how I swing now a days

I want to buy this and turn it into a field car


George! Buy this!

Oh dear. My friend George has a trooper that he has for a field car. Last time we had a party up in his field we took it up the next morning and beat the SHIT out of it. Drifted across the field, jumps, you name it… one jump nosedived the thing so hard into the ground that the radiator support bent :rofl

So “associate” when are these flyers going up at the big hvcc

Not sure. I was in the library for hours today. CFailtes612 told me he was on his way in 10 minutes to pick up flyers, and him and Pete were supposed to hang them up. I waited for an hour or so and he never showed up :rofl

bump for a perfect demolition derby car

dude pete bailed on me he went home haha and i had to help my brothers girlfriend get her car over a curb :rofl

thats hvcc parking for ya