Biggest post whore (Anthony/kdubs/PJB content inside)

surely youve seen the banana penis on here before.
For some reason he likes to post it on a 99% male forum.

lol & OP looks like a tranny John said bahahahahaha

That was at 6 in the morning when I couldn’t sleep because I had slept until 3:30 PM because I was exhausted from getting drunk in a social environment the night before. It was either that or research Matchbox prices so I opted for the first of the two.

YES! You’re getting the hang of it :rofl :rofl

A few key points:

-Use correct English always (capitalization, apostrophes, etc)

-Keep your sentences short (under 10 words 90% of the time, a 3-5 word sentence is a requirement for most posts)

-Use “I” a lot, once every other sentence at the least

-Always be subtly or outright depressed when posting

-Before hitting “submit post”, re-read your post in an Eeyore voice. If it sounds like something he would say, you’re good to go. (Go to 1:20 in this video click me )

That’s about it.

I got drunk last night (backyard fire at my brother’s friends house) and Friday night (bar with friends) and I didnt need to sleep until 3:30 pm. Yesterday I was up around 7 and today at 9.
Apparently you cant handle alcohol very well.

:rofl:rofl:rofl you have no idea about anything that happened and you’re out making assumptions like this PJB. There ya go.

Im assuming it was due to a hangover.

Youre one to talk about assumptions considering some of the shit you say about me.

Actually I felt fantastic yesterday/today.

And you post like a depressed farm animal, there’s no assuming to be made out of that.

And I looked you up and you’re on the registered sex offenders list.

Holy fuck is anyone watching the Ravens/Vikings game???

Yeah because Ive seen alot of farm animals posting lately.
And seriously enough of this sex offender bullshit. Its not true and its pretty lame.

It’s better to be TurboTravis with a bent cock (that the women love), than be a ‘PJB’in’ one-pump-chump.

Atleast I dont have to be scared that Ive got the drips or aids.

PJB-“I had sex once. I only got one thrust in before I had my orgasm. It felt nice. I’ll pay for it again someday”.

Never paid for it and wont pay for it.

Unless you’ve got macking skills like me, you always pay for it. Might as well skip the dinner and movies and just pay for what you really want.

Not worth it for me.

And, it’s probably a better investment than the Mustang that you admittedly have to desire to drive.

Aww, TT is butthurt about his pepe so he attacks people he’s never met with made up stories… :rofl

Bleh, next time I go Montreal, I’ll take you to ‘Massage Plus’ and introduce you to Natalie. She will have your big ass in the fetal position, begging to write you in for another ‘appointment’ next week.

so a whore is an investment?
Sure, herpes and aids and shit are for life but not the kind of ‘investment’ Id like to make.

My cock is fine, if I was ashamed of it, would I have posted a picture?!