BIGGEST RETARD EVER <dodge forums>


if its busy try again, name of the forum is “cleaned engine, car wont start”

that has to be fake.


im too lazy to read past the first page… the only thread like this i read is the kid wih the WRX that blew his engine and tried to take it back to stock for warrenty and a guy from the forum sent the link to the dealer

brad you are a repost - i dunno blaner , people are amazing

i would fuck the toolbag up that turned me in. that’s BS

ive heard of dodge and chevy shifting thru forums to void peoples warrentys cause they post timeslips or racing storys…thats sooo beat of them for real. but SOME people like the guy above deserves it

they only did it cause it was some mommies boy 16yo Douche bag who beat the living shit out of the car and then tried to take advantage of the warrenty… if everyone started doing shit like that, warrenties would become ALOT more strict. not to mention that the kid got really snippy with the the members of the board when they told him he’s fuicked, so some guy emailed the link to the dealer

This is like that Neon owner thread were he put sand into his intake to polish the internals…some douschebag probly makes these up so all you fools link the shit out of the orignal post to see how many hits it gets and guess how many people actually give it a chance that it could be believable…

Fake or not, it provides entertainment.

there’s no way in hell those companies look through forums for that purpose. you would need that to be someones job and there not paying someone to go on a wild goose chase. Even if they did catch you like that, the evidance is circumstantial at best. I could say right now “i killed nicole brown simpson” that wouldn’t mean shit in court.

i hoping you hit that shit first and wore a glove :eek: