Black on black..or..

is there an option for: dont do anything to it because its a scion ?

Where is the option for make your own damn decision?

gold looks gay

i say gold but if black get black with a red lip.

Both of those looks really awful.

so scion encouraged those pictures those mother fuckers.

i say black because i want to remain the only bsp tC in this area rolling on the gold bling :stuck_out_tongue:

^ those look nice

didn’t you at one point have a modded honda, or am i thinking of someone else?

let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

i’d vote for gold - but those that you picked are fucking awful looking

Go in between and get gun metal…

I personally like black on black…doesn’t matter to me if it is “played out” cause that is a gay reason for not getting something you like

Black on gold just doesn’t really do much for me, but gun metal will still give you a decent contrast

gold. do it.

i vote no TC

i dont live in ny anymore so your fine…

ok then i vote gold cause gold on black is hot. but only if they are volks. :smiley:

im with him.

vader’s played in any event

i do mean Any

were you on the 90 east last night?

i like the gold but i buy chrome/polished, it looks so hot with black :tup: ur making me wanna pimp my tC

no, the car has been parked since november of last year.