Another Flat Black exotic.. Fcar 599

Ugh these fucking people with flat black cars. Why??

not sure if it is flat black so much as it is their gray color with no clear sprayed on it.

either way i like it. even if this flat paint thing is being overdone

I’m really wondering when this is going to be a factory option. I love how clean the really professionally done flat black jobs look.


needs gloss pink wheels.

i like it

if i had the option of purchasing the flat black vs glossy i would have chosen flatblack… i dont think i wuold ever paint the BMW this after the fact, but if i was painting a project car or a race car i would do flat black on it… but i would have it done well

Butt Fugly

:tup: I like!

looks kinda photoshopped

i think there should be a new rule, like ‘no stock wheels with flat black’


i mean really, i think i’m already sick of flat black after like 1.5wks

lol @ the hot rod trend carrying over to exotics.

I think it looks pretty good.

fucking awesome

usually i like them… maybe with different wheels… i don’t really like the body style of that car… not at all :slight_smile:

well i am a fan of cars not being flashy, as in y i like flat black paint, but its a ferrari isnt that what they are meant fo; being flashy.

meh for the price tag I would want to see my pretty face in more than just the window reflection.

exotics in flat black are the new hotness.

nice parking job. what a dick.


i like it…and everyone thought i was crazy for wanting my car flat black :gotme:


nice parking job. what a dick.


pretty sure its a dealer’s car lot