New member sayin' what's up

:roflhahahah and ik right def gotta meet up this spring/summer

sort of. I had it on craigslist for a bit but I never really had any intention of selling it unless I got my ridiculous asking price:lol

I love e36s. Tis my third.

Haha thanks man! It was some work getting it to sit as low as it does.

Sorry but the rear is getting some tiny spacers out back and once I got the stance dialed in flawlessly, I’m going back back to a performance height so I can drive the car like it;s ment to. I do love the look tho.

([/quote)] Thanks man. Im probably going to sell it after the summer if you’d be interested.

Yep. Thanks, she’s sitting a little flusher than it was on the fikses

thanks homie whaz goodie. solid avatar. dwight ftw!