Blackbelt (51), Sight N Sound (28),

happy birthday

happy b-day

Happy :beer:day

Happy birthday

happy bday guys :slight_smile:

Thanks guys :beer:

damn ole heads, happy b-day :bigthumb:

:beer: :beer:

happy birthday blackbelt

SNS can suck a fat one


Don’t be pissed your truck is on the biggest POS list, and you have the same views as DS which makes you both asinine ass jockeys. :finger:

I like the fact my truck is a pos. And I agree with darkstar on a few things but not much.

happy birthday fagmo

Thanks buddy :beer:

happy birthday

Thanks :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
I answered all of Whiteys polls, i think i totally fucked up his site demographics…:bigthumb: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

happy bday!!!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday guys :beer:

Today, one of my bosses gave me a gift…a six pack of mixed beers
1-Smithwicks irish ale
1-Spaten premium
1-Pilsner Urquell
1-Celestial gold (church brew works)
1-Sam Adams Oktoberfest
1-Bells Amber Ale
I am happy…:bigthumb: