Blackberry 8330 keyboard version 1 vs 2


no idea.

Oh, yeah, details. I’m replacing the housing on my wife’s curve since it’s pretty beat and is supposed to last another 7 months. I don’t know which version her keyboard is, nor how to tell the diff.

one of them the buttons have the letters/numbers printed on top.
the other has clear buttons with the letters/numbers printed under them.

thats the only difference i can see.

pics look the same. give them a call. I’ve never read anything about different version keyboards.

oh and one has the verizon logo at the bottom, the other doesnt.

and the part that has the verizon logo is pink instead of black. They arent different keyboards, they are different versions of the case.

I would go to crackberry and ask if there are any important differences and not just cosmetic ones.

They have tried all the cases on almost all the models.

And :tup: to