Blackberry data plan loop hole


The storm wifi unlock code is the shiznit too. Verizon is so stupid for locking it.

So I just came across this thread today. PM’d Evolve and sure enough, I’m a richer man saving on my BB.


do half of you even use BB?

i do! i do!

Not since you showed me how to put an iphone on Verizon. :tup:

Oh god.

I do. I got rid of that free phone you gave me prior.

i don’t think this is working anymore


I still have my omnia, I’ll be using it alot more now that i just took a sales job. I’m just not into the whole touch screen, it gets old fast.

Thats cause its winmo! They haven’t even come close to perfecting a touch screen interface that will be at all useful unless you have a stylus implanted in your finger… Iphone pretty much has it down, BB is coming damn close, Android looks good but i havent used it and its looking like palm is gonna rock too.

Winmo has tons of functionality and tons of apps that have been around before iphags had their precious device and frankly winmo never needed to use industry standard buzz phrases like 3g to sell phones. Winmo however is not a fun device anymore they can make the most powerful deice they want but as long as those menus are the same and that little red x is the way to close a program they are going to remain behind.

I’m going to keep a running tally of all the idiots.

OMG i thought it was FOR REALZ!!! Please dont post my PM PLZ!!!

Family plan on BB’s + talking to Evolve = super win for me

My bill went down over $30 after talking to Evolve. Totally sweet!

me> freek

After hooking me up with that plan you certainly are.


I think for every PM I get about this, LZ should get a day ban.
