Blade has come out of the closet!!

sad to say anthony came out of the closet read this article…


oh yeah? revenge for blade:

nice, i’ve lost track of that site before, now i can send those out to people again haha

lmao now now… no need to come out of the closet also man with one fruitloop its enough… thats anthonys job… hahaha

lmao u guys got a lotta time on ur hands:p

Rick having time on his hands? wow… even with this new baby rick can still post shit like this hahaha

well even if he was busy with his baby…usually theyre sleeping at this time lol

i dont even want to click on that link.
your all gay for looking at that site.

it’s funny, JUST CLICK IT

basically a news report saying how whoever is gay and has evidence as well (not visual evidence…)

haha ya i know… thats old, use to do that in school like 8 yrs ago.


If you all can read it spells “ANTHONLY” not Anthony and his last name is BLADE NUMBUTZZZZ…

Zeps just mad because i put an msn convo on the board where he told me hes gay and liek to touch man titties…

haha i didnt even notice that… cus i didnt check the “gay” site.

ya rick must be upset if he is putting this closet thing all on you “Anthonly” i mean anthony.

BUHAHAHAHAHAHA… to bad i got the msn convo lol…

lol who doesnt like touching mannn titttiesss?!?!?!

ok you’re a girl no one will think anything of you. on the other hand if you were a guy that loves to touch man tittiesss with have a problem.

lol theres guys who arent gay but joke around like that

lol if you came to the first meet you woudl hae seen the man titty grabbing game ahem rick…

wasnt there on sunday too? lol

if there was i sure wasnt a part of it lol…:stuck_out_tongue:

yes u were…u grabbed rick…then rick tried grabbin urs…over the dvd haha