Blue Mustang?

Dont know where this belongs so move it if need be, area when i noticed a Blue Mustang so i paced it had a little fun just wondered if it was anyone on here, looked like some 18’s or 19’s deffinatly modified maybe a GT or Cobra it was the 99 body style and Blue

that definately narrows it down to a few thousand cars in the pittsburgh area.

i just wondered if the dude posted on here and if so he would chime in

I saw a blue cavalier the other day, if you are on here, give me a shout. :D:D:D

it’s really boring at work today, if you can’t tell. :slight_smile:

same here

I thought the rule was “no locations”??

that’s only for racing, not “pacing” :smiley:

yeah exactly lol