BMW 1 Series tii

I’ll have to wait and see it in person. Obviously the Twin Turbo power plant is a plus, but how is everything else?


this car is hot as all hell


this car is hot as all hell


OT: I just noticed your custom title :rofl:


ughhh, i love the body style and lines. i want one now.!!!


But I dont like the way that car looks period.


Do you just copy and paste this sentence in every new car thread?

I want one in all black. The interior is fucking awesome.

I like its 2002esqueness.


i blew my load over that Tii edition…i was checking out regular 135i pics all week and something looked wierd…this one looks perfect!

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:26,topic:37525"”]

Do you just copy and paste this sentence in every new car thread?


Wow you’re clever.

Clever? I wouldn’t give myself that much credit. You just repeat yourself a lot.

Mostly because the majority of new cars are understyled, and overweight. Makes it easy to respond to. Though the steering in the new 3 series is fantastic, like it even more than the Z3 box.

I agree with what Lafengas said about BMW’s new styling. I hated it at first, but it grew on me ever so slightly to the point where I now think it’s amazing. Anyway, it’s not a contestable argument; I’m just busting your purse.