BMW 335xi: Winter mode

With our super mild winter and no snow on the ground, myself and Dan were able to shoot this clean, modded, 335xi coupe. I think Ive shot at least 5 of these new 3-series now and with each one I like them more and more.

We had a quick snow squall roll in during the shoot which was kinda cool.

I love the wheels on that thing!

Teach me!

how to dougie!

but damn KBB. strong work.

you go for a ride in it Jim? Car made some good power.

Thanks guys!

I got to move it a few feet when we were shooting, it had the feeling that there was some ass behind it. Sounded really mean too.

stupid fresh

Love it.

I have to be honest. These are awesome pictures, but you’ve definitely done better work than this.

Maybe it’s the car, it’s very bland.

I like answers like this.

It might be the black car in a bland location (lack of colorful surroundings). I like hearing what exactly catches someone’s eye and what doesn’t. +rep.

Yea chuck I think it has to do more with the weather/location, it doesnt “POP” like some of his other shoots

I like it, but the wife would agree I like a lot of earth and poop brown colors :rofl

3 is down right dirty

I like 3 for some odd reason, though I dont really think aweomse, with all the photos it makes sense, but if you just gave me that single photo, id be like wtf

I actualyl was going to ask you in another place what made you decide to take that jim? haha

3 is meant to show off the profile of the CSL trunk. The soft light and shallow DOF made it look abnormal. I like shots like that lol

Looking great Jim! It’s no Audi but not bad, lol.

Jiim, I actually have a question, not really to do so much with this shoot. I’ve noticed in some of your pics they seem a bit cloudy, like the contrast is dialed way down. Is that done afterwords in your edits or is it just the air/distance setting in the shot itself?

Almost like an intentional very very light fog or haze.

3+15 are suhweet. What was 3 shot with?

Most likely it’s the product of my post processing. I add very little contrast and sometimes I will add lightness.

200 f/2L IS.