BMW crash!

wonder if the guy walked out of this one… :S

:+ …they always do stupid shit like that!

annndd whooo exactly do you mean by they hmm vlad?? haha :stuck_out_tongue:

yea thats crazy

those Arab guys lol…they have soo many videos of accidents and weird stunts…
some of them are cool tho LOL


ive seen so many wicked siht by them
and so many crazy stupid retarded dumb crap from them
and then we have there amazing crashes too.

man i hope the car is OKAY!! lol… that sucks to be that guy… hope he is okay

That guy is a dick, he got what was coming to him for driving like a retard.

BMW Crash :

BTW: I watched both of these live on T.V, both literally had me worried about the drivers life, second one more so.

holy shit, did the drivers survive without any paralysed body parts? I dont have sound on my laptop, so I couldn’t hear the videos.

:eek: ouch, those are some nasty accidents.