also listed on craigslist:
BMW e36 leather heated power front seats removed from a 1993 325i. Will fit other models as well. Have rears as well, and will throw in for a little more. Seats are beige in color, but can be easily dyed if you prefer. Seats have no tears, or unusual wear. If you were to recondition these using something like leatherique they’d be absolutely perfect. The only real wear on these is a little wrinkled leather, which could be remedied if you wanted. Like I said, perfectly normal. The only real issue is that the passenger side seat sometimes binds up in the track a little. I am not sure why this is, maybe the seat gears? I know they sell special replacement gears for these seats. If you own a pair of these already, and they are in bad shape, you could just swap your right slider over. Theres just 2 bolts holding it on. I can take any pictures upon request as well. My only reason for selling is that I bought a set of corbeau seats, and now need the money for the sliders. Asking $250 obo plus shipping. This is a steal for these babies.
If you are interested, please email, or call me @ (518) 596-5060, and I will take whatever pictures you want, or you are welcome to take a look at them personally if you are local. If you want them, I can arrange pickup, or meet you if you wish.
Thank you for looking!