BMW for sale in altamont? blue?

I was getting my car inspected last week and a guy next to me was getting an oil change. He told me what he thought was a blue 7 series “just like mine” was being sold in Altamont as a parts car, and said it was craigslist. I havent been able to find it though. Has anybody seem something like this sitting out anywhere?

i havnt seen anything either.

I live near and drive thru altamont quite a bit. Haven’t seen it either.

I haven’t seen anything. Check the non-village locations, maybe it’s on the front lawn somewhere?

Yeah altamont is way bigger than just the village unfortunately man. It even comes up the hill quite a ways.

I haven’t seen anything either, and I’m everywhere in altamont.

Thanks fellas. I was surprised i couldnt find it on craigslist, the guy said it was up on there

I know the buyer…thus its in hands of new owner

95%sure had bad head gasket?

hmmm sounds about right, think he’s going to fix it?


Whats left of the one I spoke of is now being parted out… missing windsheild and fender and bumper now…any needs?