BMW guys

Anybody have or need a RTAB installer?

if somebody has one id like to borrow it, if not, i will be buying one, and will loan it out

im sure speedped79 would love to let you borrow something

I just the the RTAB on my E36. What a PITA if you dont have the right tools. I fucked with my driver side for 6hrs before I finally got it out. The passneger side was a lot easier once I had some decent tools. I was using a drill and a chisel to get the DS one out. What you should really do (cheap too) is find a sawzall(sp?), drill a hole in the middle of the rubber, stick the blade in and cut the metal sleeve out. Then get a metal blade and cut the metal housing of the RTAB and take it out. Took me 10 mins to do the passenger side using this method and only cost me $4.98 for the blades. Again this method was used on an E36 so I dont know how simillar it is on your E46.

What he said. If they’re the same style as the E36, i just drilled the center out and cut the steel with a sawzall. For an installation tool, I just made my own out of some pieces of angle iron and a real big C clamp.

they are exactly the same…