
we need a bonfire sometime…
anyone got any ideas? :bigthumb:

I know of a huge one , but he wont light it :bash:

we can have them at my house providing things dont’ go the way they did the last time

now we need tittys!!! TITTYS!!! :rofl:

no, im talkin a BONFIRE, not a little fire in a pit behind your house hehe, im think more along the lines of 5 big trucks filled with wooden pallets and 15 gallons of deisel

in do time son! :idb:

let me know I have a bunch of wood at my place that needs burned…

There’s a bunch of Beanie Babies & stuff in my attic that I could contribute. :smiley:

bring it out!

the tags will make nice starters

ahahahaha but there a collection/obsession!

your gonna hear this when she see this :rant: :rant:

i got a shit load of wood…got a shit load of pallets and shit…let me know…ill fill the dump truck up and drop it off!!!

sounds like a cool idea. id be interested

I just have to find a truck that can haul it / make it out that far.

jeff you seem like the type of VFF that would set something on fire to get called to put it out. Fireworks, bonefires. :wtf:

oh you mean an arsonist

hell no,
im no arsonist. but In order to beat it you gotta love it a little

just i think a nice bonfire with smores and some hotdogs and kilbasi would be nice in the winter (which probably means april for us lol)
its nice today, like 65 or so but the high on saturday is suppose to be 20 :rofl: im movin to florida.
bonfire is just an idea im throwin out

Bring it over and toss it on the pile behind the shed … it will save me from running to 84 lumber to get pallets for the kids to burn + when they came and got the civic they burn all my wood

How bout someone plans one during WOW??? I will be up then!!!

i would be in :bigok:


I don;t car ewho wants it its just getting it there. My beater will not and I;m not chancing it taking it that far. It gets me to Work which is 3 exits down the parkawy 10 min drive, and to home depot which is about 5 miles away. I need it to last as long as possible right now till I can go get my new truck :hs:

I wil also have a whole wooden shed 8 foot x 8 foot I will be cutting down in spring :smiley: