oh fuck yes…lol

we did 8 last week … intensel :nod

do 16

ill do it tonight if people come over… lol not gonna stack that many and they watch it by myself…lol

if its not to windy i will do 16+gas

Once it gets going just heave 16 in it once
its so brutally hot its great

diesel > gas for starting fires


Infact, build the fire so big you get the neighbors concerned that they call the cops, the cops show up and Allan explains to them that its fine we don’t need the fire department to put it out, the cops leave and we go back to our huge ass bonfire.

That never happened at Sean’s either :ninja

lol good thing is that i dont have any neighbors close by… so never get any complaints at all… except the nex day after i was doing burnouts in rt 9 with the m cops came by asking me what had happpend… with the Mparked right inthe front lawn lol

wtf you have my number i dont get invited!?

i dont have your number anymore… i got a new phone bc my other one broke… lost all my old numbers… send me a pm with the new one

chaz next to the fire

and then vlad chillin on the tracker… fire was intense…

u havin on next week??? ill be down next week for sure

yeah ill prolly have one every weekend so if peopel wanna come again next week you can

sweet deal, weekly bonfire. The one last weekend was fun

yeah i was thinking about planning on doing that becausei have been having bonfires everyweekend for the past few weeks…thinking about doing a BBQ this weekend too with a bonfire… if anyones interested

ill pick up some food lemme know brooooo ill be down

yo yo rankin i’de be down for stoppin by

let me know

umm, fuck you and your bonfires…they leave me bruised lol

hahaha well thats bc you got hammered and kept falling off my tracker when we got more pallets