jerk off
jerk off.
jerk off.
:cjerk: masterbate
Go to cruise night and jerk off
Beat your shit like it owes you money
See what Palmula Handerson has going on.
Pop the purple pimple
Pull your pud.
I’m going to Caputis, time to pull out the credit card.
Assholes <3
Ew don’t whack off at Caputis.
so wtf have you done for the past 4 hours?
jerk off?
Hand to Gland Combat
spent 4 hours jerkin off to the jailbait thread?
the jb thread isnt that good
looks like jerking off is the thing to do
Have sex?
Unless you’re paying, of course. You have no budget for that.
Feed the geese.
Ugh, I figured this thread made it to two pages, so there has to be some good info on what to do in here.
Then the whole first page is you jerkoffs saying jerk off.
made me lol at least.