anything fun going on tonight?

I hate to be that guy, posting this…

but what’re you all up to?

Buffalo is killing me tonight, I need to find something to do.

im not sure, let me go look on myspace and check my bulletins for a party…

wait, theyre allllll by you, saying you’re boreeedddd

lol i dunno whats goin on don, im startin my drive to Virginia Beach in a few hours, or else id help a brotha out

haha, i have one bulletin up…

have fun on your trip. i’d kill to get the fuck outta here on days like today :slight_smile:

alright, fuck it, ima go for a ride.

post something up, i’ll check it occasionally while we’re out and about.

you can come help me work on my car lol. You can feel free to raid my fridge.

Just finished with the car after 10 hours of working on it. >_<

Anyone up for some Denny’s? I’m quite hungry. :slight_smile:

maybe we can get a 1 or 2am dennys meet rolling?

If we are talking 2 am you might have me

sweet. call me when you got a min.

2AM denny’s meat (meatless in my case) was fun. too bad nobody saw me whip a bottle at the sunfire… :frowning:

I saw that.

Too good.

just posting again after my shit was deleted

boner pie > *, as well as 87foxgt aw right aw right