What are you doing now..

What are you doing right now besides being on nyspeed

im fucking bored, drinkin a mad dog

fucking jager+redbull+beer and reading tucker max.
read it, worship.

drinking with a bunch of people at the apt… and about to head to DT tampa

yea i hear ya im fucking bored as hell ,now that the games over, im making food.

my arm is fucking bleeding thru my shirt and it hurts, and i wish it would stop

haha thats awesome, i wish mine would do that

drinking a vitamin water, and soon to be watching arrested development season 3

im still fucking hungover, not going out tonight


no it sucks, it ruined a perfectly good undershirt, looks like i was shot

o well atleast the tattoo is done

Fighting a fever, watching Sportcenter.

i dont exatly knnow whats going on. I have a really shiutty tv show on dvd i might watch… my name is earl. its bad.

sitting in new jersey…watchin tv

Just got back from the sabres game. luxury suite ftw. settling in for a fun night at work :bloated:

working til 7 am at the hospital…

Drinking with my roomies haven a blast!!!

eating chubby hubby

fucking pittying myself, haha. damn alcohol and its depressant effects.

Just got home from the bars with my cousin and some of my dearest pals. Awesome nite…unexpected surprises that I hope go well…came home to my super awesome big brown couch and looking forward to sweet dreams and the FUCKING DAYTONA 500 is less than 12 hrs. away.


imaaaaaa durnk