Whats going on tonight? 3/31-4/1

the weather sucks… and i dont feel like having a meet… but perhaps a dave and busters or something like that…

post up ideas… or anything… its friday night… theres gotta be somethin goin on…

dennys? starbucks?

Cow tipping?


count me in for anything not too late

i’ve gotta get up early

dennys maybe later?

i don’t have hearing in my one ear now. i don’t know why. :frowning:

iam up for dennys`

friends apartment on elmwood. then the tudor lounge. then allen st. come down, it should be a good time.

^^ orly?


Hmm… Denny’s sounds good. Then again so does some drinky action.

drinky drinky. little gellers on his way to teh ritz as we speak. we will be departing shortly to the tudor lounge…

i want to go to tudor lounge. although it’s not really a lounge.

i was at my gf’s watching survivorman :shrug:

then i drove around a bit, and was pissed off that i wasted my gas on yet another ricer…new celica with guage pillar, so i assume something’s done to it…but ya know what they say about “assume”…so it was a waste, and i drove around aimlessly for a while…

fuckin bored as helll? wat is ther to do

I definatly have a late night 2AM Denny’s craving going on now. Gogin home form work now. If anyone is interested in going to the Denny’s on Maple give my cell a ring from the directory. :intofatty:

I don’t really wanna drive to that denny’s. I’m not even going to eat because I’m that poor but I really do want to go just to chill.

If someone close is going, maybe I can meet you at your house and you can give me a ride?

I doubt it would happen no one is really awake until 4-5am every night.

sobriety is a sickness

sobriet must be stopped

*devin you just posted like 30 seconds ago and you’re sober!? shit come over and we’ll at least play drunken GT4 if you lack cashage. i’ve had my heart broken today by el tea juan :tdown:


Is my cider in your fridge still?

shit yeah it is, i’m not having those fucked-up dreams again from stealing your bitch drinks :touchy:

Yeah I get the same effect from those. Those are some crazy fun/wierd dreams. :lol: