
at first you’ll think its wierd, but it gets addicting lol


1253.71 and I didn’t use the last aerial :frowning:

181… i just clicked and thats how far it went… whats an aerial?

i figured out what an aerial is…


damn, gotta beat jacks score! my highest was 42xx

i dont understand the special thing… is anyone getting it?

i got 2-3 specials… click when it says special.

I can beat my previous score… I decided to stop trying after about 2 minutes. :stuck_out_tongue:

i just got into the 5s …

best I got was 48xx, but did anyone else get the type-B charge blast?

309.46mm…I suck,…

2625.84 and then I got bored…

i am zee big winner!!!

Ugh. I just…can’t…stop…5045.46

Type D BoosT Bounce > *

:lol: told ya it was addicting! and wow 7959 is nuts! how long did that “game” take?!?

my comp is hella slow and it sucks asshole so i cant play it : (


actually my 7949 dind’t take too long…i hit the first 2 boosts then got 3 specials in a row. this made for my flying about 245m in the air and sideways at a very rapid pace. then whenever i would get back down to only going 100m up i’d aerial it. i did manage to light and smoke a cigarette during this run thats how long i was in the damned air for.

2049, i feel like i have done good enough. no more of this game.