
fuck… am i the only sucker working 6pm+ on a friday night? :wtf:

nope, im workin 2:30-10:30, on lunch now

nope working all night and started this early this morning too

shit, i came in around 12:30 and plan on being out within an hour and a half…

so i guess i don’t have it that bad.

I have been here since 7 am and work till 11pm…

Its slow as balls because of the weather, so I have been dealing with NDC applications, and I signed up for Aflac :dunno:


:smiley: i was done at 5 and will probly be just about drunk by 8

suck a dick :dunno:


thats why you make the jing dude!

:puke: :moon:

actually… i’m still here… so that suxors.

im at home :hs:

i came home at 10:30 am today sleeping on and off… i just want to sleep tonight b/f driving to philly tomorrow…

How is everyone’s night going?

just got off work so now relaxation for the weekend if its not raining i’ll be hunting 2morrow morning and then helping a buddy with his car tommorow after noon